With a Fund from Munib and Angela Al-Masri Foundation and the implementation of Al Quds Fund Endowment.

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- Video Duration: 05 : 30
Launching the new version of the virtual roaming application in Jerusalem Burj Al-Luqluq Social Center launched the new version of the “Virtual Roaming in Jerusalem” application,
In a ceremony held in Burj Al- Luqluq, funded by “Munib and Angela Al-Masri Foundation” and implementation of “Alquds Fund and Endowment” under the slogan “Travel in Jerusalem as if you were in it” with the presence of representatives of institutions, youth, and a number of volunteers.
Taher Al-Dissi, The Executive Director of Munib and Angela Al-Masri Foundation, stressed the urgent need to strengthen the support for the city of Jerusalem in all fields and the need to employ information technology in various projects, especially in media, marketing, and cultural projects that contribute to creating awareness about the younger generations as well as encouraging tourism and online shopping from the Old City and its surroundings. Al-Dissi thanked Mr. Munib R. Masri for his continuous support for the development and charitable projects in Jerusalem, whether financed by the Munib and Angela Al-Masri Foundation or by Alquds Fund and Endowment.
In his speech, the Executive Director of Burj Al-Luqluq Social Center, Montaser Edkeedik, said: "This application, in its modern and old versions, comes as a necessity and a need to compete with the fake version of the city applications specifically that it comes in 5 different languages, based on the true historical narrative of this great Jerusalem.
The representative of the Al Quds Fund and Endowment, Nasser Al-Tutanji, said during his presentation that the Alquds fund did not hesitate at all to be part of this effort and funded the new version of it due to the trust in Burj Al-Luqluq social center's programs, in addition to the battle of the Palestinian narrative, and our support for it and for those who work to establish it, hoping for success and further progress for the association and its programs.” Noting that the grant value is $40,000 distributed over four years.
Al-Tutanji stressed that "Alquds fund and Endowment seeks to create the future of the city and unify the efforts to support cultural and research projects in a way that serves the identity of Jerusalem.”
While the Director-General of the youth and sports council, Mutasim Abu Gharbeya, praised Burj Al-Luqluq social Center as a distinguished and important youth center that always presents everything that is new and useful. All thanks to the Center represented by its management, its employees, and the volunteers.” Also, he thanked Al Quds Fund and Endowment and for its usual support to Jerusalemite youth clubs and institutions.
At the end of the ceremony, publications of the new application were distributed.